Fresh Mackerel

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Fish is a common food for the people on the island of Guernsey. They are caught by the men of the island, and then taken around the streets and sold. The man with his cart of fish calls out loudly, “FRESH MACKEREL!” so that the people will hear and come out to buy some.
A friend of mine who lived there some years ago went out to buy some mackerel one day. As she approached the man she said,
“Are they really fresh?” Promptly came this reply:
“Yes, just as sure as I’m a sinner.” This most unusual statement from the fish peddler brought back the answer:
“We are all sinners.”
Now it was the peddler’s time to answer, and he quietly said, “Yes, but I am a sinner saved by grace.”
Upon this remark these two Christians shook hands; each rejoiced to meet ather who knew his sins all cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Do you know that YOU are a sinner? Of course you do. Have your sins ever troubled you? Have you ever thought about having to meet a Holy God about those very sins? If the weight of these things has troubled you, you will find it a great joy, if and when vou can say with the fish merchant,
“But I am a sinner SAVED BY GRACE.”
Yes, dear friend, it is the great grace and love of God that provided a Saviour for you. You too can be saved, and know it by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for sinners.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:3636He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36).
ML 12/21/1941