Lost in the Snow

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
MANY have perished in the deep snow when no one was near to help, and how terrible to be in perfect health, and have death staring one in the face, and no way of escape from it. Then is the time one turns to God, if never before. It may be there is only the desire to be delivered out of the temporal difficulty, but when all hope is gone, nearly every case, they cry to God.
What a shame it is that any should wait till the last moment to have the question of their soul’s salvation settled, and expect that God should accept them. On the other hand, God is wonderfully gracious, and He has recorded the case of the thief on the cross; in his last moments he turned to the Lord, and the Lord accepted him. Such is the grace of God.
If one is lost eternally, it is his own fault, for God has provided the Savior for man, and what a blessed thing it is to be always ready to go, for we know not what moment we may be called. If we put it off to the last moment, our life here on earth would be a wasted one, and we would have failed to have responded to the love He had shown in giving His life for us on Calvary.
May, you be enabled to say, “He died for me,” and, “I love Him because He first loved me,” and then prove it in all your ways. It will not then be with fear that you will meet death, like the boy in our picture, but you will be happy and ready to go.