The Old Man and the Dates

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
An old man sat in his room one Lord’s day afternoon with his open Bible before him opened at the title page on which were written some of the dates of days and years. He was so interested in these that he did not observe the entrance of a neighbor who asked him, “Why are you so interested in just a few dates?”
The old man replied pointing with his finger to one after the other: “Here’s the day of my birth, my enlistment, my marriage, etc.” Then he came to the day of his conversion, since he had known himself to be a child of God. Then he sang with tears in his eyes in a trembling voice:
Could I a thousand voices raise
A thousand tongues employ,
My heart would pour itself in praise,
In thankfulness and joy:
And still its happy song should be,
Hear what the Lord has done for me.